So, my purging has fallen off the track a bit. But only a little bit. Even though I haven't physically purged a single thing in 3 weeks, I have been mentally purging like crazy! I have a plan in place to pick up where I left off with the "stuff" part of "6". If you don't know what my "6" is read here, here, here and here. I have a couple of Easter posts that came after conviction of reading the book, "7" also.
Here's my update for accountability purposes:
* STUFF - anyone who has seen my garage knows we own too much ever-lovin' stuff! Sheesh! It drives me batty! I've made a plan and have begun even more purging with little piles here and there. Summer will be my friend this year, I promise! I am tired of being a slave to STUFF and I want it gone!
*MEDIA - we've done well here. Still no t.v. in our house. If we want to watch a movie or something educational, all we have are the movies we own and Netflix. We upgraded our DVD portion to two movies out instead of one because, whether for school or a family night, we have watched more movies, both in DVD form and streaming. Now, you might think that is counterproductive. Nope. Let me explain. Our t.v. no longer is ON just to be on. It is on when we choose it to be. We now have multiple game nights per week as a family (which ROCK, by the way) and we are much more aware of our time because the T.V. isn't consuming it. Nor are video games or the computer. Those, too, have their appointed times.
FOOD - well, ahem, let's just say this is a work in progress here. And I'm working on it.
APPROVAL - hmm, this is a Pandora's box for me. A two steps forward, one step back kind of deal but I'm going to grab progress where I can. Sweet release has come in so many forms of this vile demon. Approval of others is just so unhealthy and I am learning, step by step, to let go and it feels GREAT! With the progress that God has given in this area, I feel SO FREE!
FINANCES - April was HARD! With an ER visit, a surgery to remove what might have been cancer in our dog, new co-pays (eh-hem, $200 to get new epi-pens for Josh - a MUST medicine), we have been stretched financially. Yet, God continues to provide and remain faithful. Do months like these make skimping on tithe a temptation?? You bet'cha! Yet, to put our faith where our mouth is (or money, really), Chris and I know we must honor God with our tithe. We will begin Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University at the end of this month at our church and we can't wait! This is another step at purging our finances and align them with God's word.
NEGATIVE THOUGHTS/STRESS - This is another challenge area for me but despite the incredibly one-hit-after-another month, negative thoughts and stress have been kept away or nipped in the bud by the promise of God's words through scripture memory. God's word soothes and comforts in times of distress and recalling sweet words in times of worry or frustration prevents my mind from slipping into a negative stew.
I'm convinced that weeding out our media so heavily has GREATLY decreased negative thoughts as well.
My 6, inspired by "7" is still chugging along and I'm excited to switch gears to lite summer school and be able to purge - mentally, spiritually and physically in the next few weeks.
What areas of your life need purging of those things that do not align themselves with God's word, cause turmoil in your life or prevent you from being all that God intended?
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