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This week, has been, for the most part a non-school week around this place. Not by choice and certainly not written in the plan. A nasty cold tried to sweep through our household, nabbing two victims (two school victims, mind you), so school has been extra, extra light around here as they recover from 102 fevers, congestion, and body aches. I felt kind of sorry for them, so school took a back seat and I just rolled with the punches! Shockingly, I have avoided this cold and I am convinced it is due to consistent doses of Elderberry syrup! The boys are sorry they balked at it now!
Today, as one child continues to recover, we turn our attention to our first day of our homeschool co-op tomorrow! The excitement is in the air and the anticipation for this spring semester with our friends is about to make our heads burst! (or,perhaps that is just the cold...).
Tomorrow is our Kick-off event and Valentine's day party! So, the non-sick boy and I spent the morning stamping up valentines to disperse to our friends. Potluck goodies have been made and we are gathering supplies for our Valentine craft and service project! We were on such a roll that we even made some extra decorations for the house to boot!
And if hanging cut out hearts and stuffing heart shaped candy into bags isn't enough to get my head to be thinking about love, than the "Art of Marriage" conference we are attending at our church this weekend, certainly will! Our new church home, Lifepointe Christian Church is hosting a Family Life marriage conference that looks to be amazing! We are so excited to be encouraged and learn some new thoughts on a godly marriage. After 15 years of marriage (and 21 years together; yes, we began dating in high school), it's awesome to refresh your perspective God's purpose for our relationship and how we can serve our spouses best!
The other conference is on Sunday and Monday nights and that is the Answers in Genesis conference. If you have never attended one of their conferences, YOU MUST! Discover when they will be in your neck of the woods and GO! Another local church is hosting this one. Even my soon-to-be 13 year old is excited to attend!
We've got a packed weekend filled with friends, faith and fellowship.. plus, a little learning thrown in for good measure! I hope you're weekend is filled with those things and more!
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