This is the Teacher's schedule page where I can keep track of the master school schedule as I plan out my days.
This page is to record the first semester's goals that I want to accomplish with the boys. There is another page to record the second semester's goals also.
There is a section for recording field trips and monthly expenses for each month as well as books you'd like each child to be reading.
This is the student planning page which allows you to record which curriculum you will be using for each child you have. It even allows for space to record books and other items needed to be purchased throughout the year and record when you need to go grab it!
Each month begins with a full month at a glance calendar and then has weekly pages to allow more detailed planning.
There is a page to record weekly grades for each child.
There are even these encouraging articles at the beginning of each month.
This planner includes four cute, card stock quality report cards to make your child's schooling "official", should one desire.
Overall, this planner has got me very excited! Not so much about planning because I LOVE planning! I'm a planner, what can I say?? :) This planner is exciting because of its organization. It allows for space to include all of the most pertinent information in one place. There are even places to record chores for each child, your weekly and monthly cleaning routine, family budget, etc. Despite my fatigue from this year setting in, I'm very excited as I look forward to the next school year! Check it out at