
Monday, August 9, 2010

Sheri's Daybook

Outside my window...
the birds are chirping and we're watching our dog race back and forth through the yard

I'm thinking:
I need to get more lesson plans done today

I'm reading:

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
(and starting my new year of reading challenge). I LOVED this book when I read it in middle school/early high school!

I'm listening to:

the boys giggling over breakfast. I'm not sure what's so funny about breakfast but they are having a great time giggling!

I'm thankful for:

Chris. He is an amazing husband and friend! I'm so glad I get to do life with him!

I'm cooking:

Quite possibly Baked Potatoes or Chicken and potatoes... whatever I do it has to involve potatoes because I bought the BIG bags at Costco and need to use them!

From the school room

the faint pleas of organization are calling my name!

I'm creatiing:

a master plan for our school year right now

I'm hoping:

to try a modified version of the workbox system in our school this year. We don't have the space for the traditional system, so I'm creating my own. We'll see how it goes!

I'm going:
NOWHERE today! I've got to get some more plans in place! Tonight, we're going to Union Gospel Mission with the youth group!

One of my favorite things is...

spending time with my boys. I love them so much!

A few plans for the rest of the week:

planning for school when it starts next week, planning for SEEDS and organizing the school room!

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