
Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Verse That Speaks A Thousand Words...

Hebrews 12:11-13 - No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.

So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.

This verse came before my eyes this morning. I'm not sure what stood out and spoke to me more but every word contained a message for me. Every word meant something to me, as though it had been written just for me during this week.

To be perfectly honest (and if you can't be honest on a blog, where can you??), this week has been a difficult one. With the weight of the world on my shoulders, I felt so defeated and discouraged this week. These past few months have brought recurring illnesses for me and my family, discouraging words, sad news, criticisms, complaints - large and small, and it felt overwhelming at times.

God can take any situation, though, and turn it into an opportunity to learn and to grow. That is what he has done with me this week. He has shown me areas of my heart that need discipline. Areas that need 'pruning' and areas where I need to let go.

Self-discipline is hard and discipline from God, well, that can be even harder. It is true what the verse says - discipline can be painful! Yet, we know that, if we are open to it, it DOES provide growth and peace. I don't know about you but those are two things I desperately want in my life.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ants in the pants...

I've been censored. At least, for now. I'm unable to post pictures. I'm also unable to describe, in detail, what took place over one weekend in November. I can't describe to you how my kitchen looks now. I'm forbidden to tell you all of the ways my kitchen was changed. How a construction and t.v. crew took my outdated and stagnant kitchen and turned into... well... I can't say.

And quite frankly, it's killing me. How long is a production company gonna make a girl wait, anyhow??

Until our show airs, which the producer said will most likely be the beginning of April, I can't talk about it. I can't even post pictures.

I CAN tell you that we had so much fun with the crew and host! Despite some anxious moments (you'll have to see), we laughed, joked, and tried to enjoy the company of 20+ extra people in our home for 3 days.

I CAN tell you that the host, Josh Temple, is wonderfully talented, funny and touching. Chris and I both had a moment with him where he opened his heart up and spoke some touching words to us that, honestly, blew both of us away. We were humbled and caught off guard by his comments he felt he had to say to us once everyone else had left. Chris and I will never forget those moments or his words.

I CAN tell you that holding a sledge hammer is thrilling! BWAHAHAHA - the power that tool carries!

I CAN tell you that nail guns ROCK! I highly recommend purchasing one. I highly recommend you do NOT point it at the camera man trying to shoot a close up of you using it, though.

I CAN tell you that, despite the hiccups that our show incurred (I'll have to tell you later), we laughed and joked and poked fun at each other. There is something about wrapping the cameraman up in tape that just sets the mood for the day, you know??

And finally, I CAN tell you that our show SHOULD be airing at the beginning of April (it's already been moved twice, so don't hold me to this). DIY Network. House Crashers. We are Episode 1 of Season 4.

OH! OH! I can ALSO tell you that all of Josh Temple's "house tips" that will be run on DIY for this next year, were filmed at our house!

Whew! Well, I'm glad I got some of that off of my chest! Waiting from November to April sure is asking a lot! I can barely contain myself, short of just completely ignoring the subject altogether... which I find easiest!

Stay tuned and watch for our episode! Let the countdown begin!

Book List for 2011

I moved the start of my annual book read-a-thon to January 1, so that it's a clean cut year. You'd think, though, being two months in to this said read-a-thon I would have already racked up a couple of books, at least, right?? Nope. Not really.
I am half way through a WONDERFUL book called, Feminine Appeal" by Carolyn Mahaney. This is proving to be a challenging book as I'm learning to look at my roles as mom, wife, partner, and child of God a little differently. Some of it is not "new" information but, said in just the right way at the right time, has been powerful, nonetheless.

Please note my disclaimer at the bottom of my list. Sometimes it's best not to plan EVERYTHING!

Reading List for 2011

* Rebecca
* The Good Earth
* This Book Will Save Your Life
* Pillars of the Earth (didn't get to this last year)
* The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
* The Phantom Tollbooth
* Mysterious Benedict Society

* What He Must Be... if He Wants to Marry my Daughter (reading to gain insight for my boys)
* Parenting the Way God Parents
* Raising Kids Who Turn Out Right
* Strong Willed Child
* Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends
* Faith Training
* The Mission of Motherhood
* Say Goodbye to Whining
* Life Skills for Kids: Equipping Your Kids For the Real World

Family/Marriage books
* The Well-Versed Family
* Amazing Adventures, Creative Connections, Daring Deeds
* The Case for Family Worship
* Five Signs of a Loving Family
* Heaven at Home: Establishing and Enjoying a Peaceful Home
* Feminine Appeal

* The Inflammation Syndrome
* Stop Inflammation Now
* Healthy Heart Miracle
* The Metabolic Plan
* Don't Eat This Book

** Actual books read may change on a whim from this scheduled list due to mood, interest, personal application, etc. ;)

Book List for 2009-2010

These are the books I completed from my birthday, August 8, 2009 to my next birthday, August 8, 2010. Most were great, some... meh. I was just glad to get back into the habit of reading again after a TOO long hiatus!

Homeschooling with TLC
52 Family Time Ideas
One Million Arrows - Julie ?
What's Age Got to Do with It? - Robin McGraw
The Power of Less
Midnight Sun - Stephanie Meyer
The Shack - William Young
Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger
Obsessed - Ted Dekker
Three - Ted Dekker
The Penderwick Sisters
Maximize Your Mornings
Good and Angry
Autoimmune Epidemic - Donna Jackson Nakazawa
Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips - Kris Carr
Authentic Parenting in a Postmodern Culture - Mary E. DeMuth
Family Driven Faith - Voddie Baucham
Raising Godly Tomatoes - L. Elizabeth Krueger
The Gift of a Year - Mira Kirshenbaum
The Martyr Song - Ted Dekker
Crazy Love - Francis Chan
Clean - Dr. Alejandro Junger
In The Woods
Already Gone - Ken Ham
Mom Talk - Sally Clarkson
Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
Case Histories