
Monday, March 29, 2010


We have arrived to the glorious moment in homeschool where we put aside our books, our pencils, our schedule (somewhat) and enjoy a much needed break.

Our life seems to be gaining speed and a full schedule. At times it makes me secretly hyper-ventilate because it feels like I'm drowning in an never-ending to-do list. Other times, it feels as though I can't keep up. There aren't enough hours in my day or week to do all that I need or want to do. It is times like these, when my schedule has gotten the best of me, that I grow concerned. Concerned that I haven't spent enough time with my family; concerned that I haven't spent enough time with my husband; concerned that I am let our homelife slip; concerned that I don't have enough energy to go around for all; concerned that I'm giving up the little time that I have to take care of myself.

Yet, as real as those concerns are, I must remember that there is One that knows my plans for my future and knows the number of my days. There is One that doesn't give me more than I can handle and asks me not to worry for He will take care of my needs and the desires of my heart. If only I will rest in Him and give all my cares to Him.
Not a bad trade off, huh?!? Now, if I can just pry my grubby, white-knuckled hands off of my cares and let them go! That is the key - not wanting to grab and take hold of them again. Not letting my hands close up and grasp to my concerns and *my* plans but lay them down at His feet and walk away.

Here's to keeping my hands open and resisting the urge to grasp and take back today!